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Do you also see something like a transparent insect floating in front of your eyes? know what it is


Eye Floaters: Often when looking at low light, white paper, or blue skies, you can see something like a crooked insect crawling

Eye Floaters: Do you also see crooked floating insects floating in your eyes? Just like what is seen in the photo, when you move your eyeball, this transparent insect-like strange thing also spins with them and then comes back. Actually there is nothing to be afraid of, it happens to everyone once and they are not insects, 

So what floats before the eye (What Floats In The Eyes)

The insect-like thing that floats in front of the eye is called Eye Floaters in English, which means whenever you look at something shining like a blue sky, or the rays of the sun or white paper and computer screen. If so, the things you see floating are eye floaters. But these are not insects or germs. 

Then what happens (Creepy things Floating in The Eyes)

Basically, eye floaters are tiny specks made in the iris of the eye, which you can see only through your eye, it is on the top of the pupil, that's why you get a microscope-like vision of eye floaters. You can't see the iris of someone else's eye. Because their size is as small as a germ. 

Are these a sign of disease (Are Eye Floaters Dangerous)

No brother... it is not a sign of any disease nor does it harm your eyes. Yes, but with age, their number definitely starts increasing and the eyesight starts getting blurred. 

should see a doctor 

If this happens occasionally then it is not a problem, but if suddenly you see an increase in the number of eye floaters then you should consult an eye specialist doctor,

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